Meet Juliana

Juliana Ketting is a recent graduate from Union College located in Schenectady, NY and is currently working towards receiving her Masters Degree in Intellectual Disabilities/Autism at Teachers College at Columbia University. She has been with PlayPattern for three years and has helped produce STEAM Curriculum, teach classes, and work with other members to write educational grants. 

Juliana is happy to be starting her third year at PlayPattern and see how much we have grown in the last few years. She is inspired by our students and is working tirelessly to learn how to better teach our students through her time at Teachers College. Outside of the classroom, Juliana enjoys spending time with her family and trying different restaurants or cafés in New York City. She is also looking forward to traveling more once she is done with her Masters Program next Winter. 

Contact her about Play Pattern clubs and facilitation. 

Learn more about Juliana from her website.