Meet Anaia

Anaia Daigle uses her background in educational programming to design engaging and accessible content for the larger Play Pattern community. 

Since graduating from high school in 2014, Anaia has worked constantly to build her skillset in facilitation, organization, and project management. From urban farms to coworking communities, she has designed and stewarded dozens of programs with a focus on community-led learning with Philadelphians of all ages. 

Anaia’s core motivation is to learn as much as possible while being as useful as possible. She is dedicated to building alternative paths to success for young people who choose not to pursue higher education, and believes her work for Play Pattern is essential within that context. 

When she is not working, Anaia is working on her intuitive literacy brand, Refraction, or taking long walks with two sweet dogs through her hometown of Philadelphia. She is a restless creative and enjoys every new medium she explores, but her most recent favorites are watercolor and polymer clay.

Contact her about design thinking, content strategy, and empowering young people.

Learn more about Anaia from her website.